• 12 Nov 2019
Remy Klai: the mastermind behind the fun activities of Creta Maris

Creta Maris gives extra emphasis on the entertainment activities offered in the resort, providing a diverse program that meets every expectation. But who’s responsible for managing the team of animators, while coordinating and supervising the activities? Remy Klai, the Entertainment Manager of Creta Maris, is the key-person behind every recreational activity in the resort.


How many people compose the Animation team of Creta Maris and in how many sub-groups is it divided?


In order to provide a varied and comprehensive animation to the guests, the animation team of Creta Maris is composed of 10 animators. As we try to be multitasking, the animation team members have been chosen based on the multiple abilities and knowledge they have. In this way, we secure that the Creta Maris guests will continue to enjoy the animation activities, even if the person who is in charge for the organization of a specific activity will be sick or absent. Although, I must admit that sometimes it is hard to do so, especially when dance shows are concerned, and particular people cannot be replaced.

As concerns our animation team division, it consists of two main groups; the sports & recreation activities entertainers, and the children entertainers, as well as three sub-groups; the “Asterias” kids’ club entertainers, teenagers’ club entertainers and baby room entertainers.


What exactly does an Animation manager do?


The Animation Manager, or Entertainment Manager is the one who manages a team of animators that has been recruited by him. He coordinates and supervises the different activities proposed to the guests and maintains a connection with external 3rd party providers, i.e. external shows and external artists.

He is also responsible for the animation team’s resource management and for the administrative management of the team (under the responsibility of the General Manager).


I feel fulfilled when my job makes people happy, and creates a wonderful holidays experience!


The Animation Manager is the mind behind the activities organized, as well as, the one who is responsible to offer a diverse animation program that will meet the expectations of all the guests, no matter the reason of their visit (recreation, holiday, relaxation etc.). This job position requires the ability to respect the people, the resort’s facilities and its equipment and at the same time to be able to enforce all the necessary measures to maintain the safety policy to all parties involved (guests, employees and external collaborators). The professional covering this job position has to be versatile, adaptable, and able to implement different kind of activities i.e. fun, sports, for adults, teenagers, or children.


How much preparation and work are required before you can present a new performance / activity?


Each performance is unique as are its requirements. Thus, the work and preparation required before you could present it to the audience varies. A dancing show, for example, requires approximately 4 hours rehearsal a day during a period of 12 to 15 days. Therefore, it is easy to understand how long it may take for the animation team to set up 4 shows for the season, especially if we consider that the entertainers should also provide day-time activities in addition to these hours.


The Animation team seems to do the most fun and enjoyable work inside the hotel. What are the difficulties and challenges of this job?


Being an Animator has its advantages and disadvantages, as all the other jobs have. The people who choose to become entertainers are usually enthusiastic, with high adaptability and creativity, while seek to interact with others. I think that the most challenging part of our work as entertainers is to deal successfully with different personalities and cultures, while maintaining a personal and at the same time professional relation with the guest.

As the physical presence of the entertainers is essential in all the hotel’s activities, even in cases when they do not have to perform, the personal time they have is limited. This means that they experience lack of privacy in their daily life and work many hours a day. Another difficulty we have to overcome each day is to work under the sun, which means high temperatures (even more than 40°C). Because of the aforementioned difficulties the profession of entertainers gets weaker and weaker over time.

The main challenge of my job position has to do with the team’s motivation. I am the one who has to make the team to enjoy and love its work. Even though, this task is difficult due to the tiredness, I believe we are doing a great job at Creta Maris!


Which one of the events and activities you are organizing are the most popular for Creta Maris guests? What makes them so popular?


I think that the activity the guests enjoy the most is our cooking lessons. These lessons are organized in the context of the “We do local“ activities that the resort overtakes as well as its participation in “TUI cares for Crete: First steps towards a Sustainable Food Destination | 2017-2019”. They fulfill the need of the guests to get to know the rich Cretan gastronomic tradition and try food that offers them an authentic experience of the visiting place, the locals, and the raw materials they produce.


What do you enjoy the most about your work?


I consider myself as a very active and enthusiastic person, who definitely hates working in an office in front of a computer. As the Animation Manager of Creta Maris, I have the chance to be a part of a great team, with a perfect environment and most of all to be able to work in open-air!

I also love that I have the possibility, and of course the duty, to communicate with people all around the world, while I feel fulfilled when my job makes them happy, and creates a wonderful holidays experience!

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